Mid-Morning Sky

This painting was done in early 2020, during the pandemic lock down and was meant to capture light and shadow filtering through a large band of clouds at sunrise or sunset. The orange tones and highlights on the warmer, brighter lit parts of the clouds are one of my favorite elements of this painting, however the shaded underside of the clouds was much more difficult to capture which I think is evident in the final piece. This taught me about colour theory and balancing shadows through semi-transparent objects and I feel like I learned a lot from this painting. I included it in my portfolio for university because it shows my learning curve, and where I started learning more about shadows and light. I think it was important to include some of the paintings that are imperfect in my portfolio and the ones I might not have been most proud of because it shows a willingness to learn and improve; the improvement which is evident in many of my other paintings.

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