Photoshop Images

Well, to start off, I’m not very good at photo-shop in my opinion so most of these are half-finished. I am proud of a few but not many of these images however I am working to get better so I hope you enjoy what I have made so far. If you have any tips I am very much open to constructive criticism so please feel free to comment these in the comment section!


Today, I had to design a piece of text, “Fire” and surround the word with it’s element. This taught me how to better utilize layers, grouping and clipping masks to get the result I wanted. Here is what I came up with: Aujourd’hui, je devais concevoir un morceau de texte, “Feu” et entourer le mot […]

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Photoshop Images November 2018

I obviously haven’t made as many of these this month because I have been working more on flash and blender animations. If you would like to check them out, please visit the “Animations” drop-down under ACAM on the menu bar.

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