Hi there!

Nice to meet you! My name is Katelyn Whitfield and welcome to my website.

I am a young Canadian artist and I hope to one day be an animator or a graphic designer. I use this website to share my art and animations as well as my experiences within the ACAM (Academy of Creativity And Multimedia) program at my high school. This website will also serve as my digital portfolio for college and university in the future and as partial credit towards my final grade this semester.

Also worth mentioning, if you are interested in further investigating me and my work, I have an Instagram (@whitfieldkatelyn) where I post most of my work the most frequently and an online store attached to that Instagram account where I sell sticker designs and other assorted prints of my work. Feel free to go and check it out, I have left an easy access link to it below!

What I hope to achieve in the future with this website is that I would like to someday soon set up an E-commerce section so I can eventually move my store from my Instagram to here as well. I would also like to update the blog section on a more regular basis and share a more expansive array of my works in different mediums and styles that I have worked on over the years.

For now, please enjoy my website as it is!

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