
Hello! As you may know already, my name is Katelyn Whitfield and this is my website.

This website was part of my application for the ACAM program, and I had multiple skills and pieces of art that couldn’t fit into one pieceĀ  so I included them all on this website. My particular strengths are drawing and photography, but I know little about designing websites and this is the first one I’ve designed.

I am an aspiring artist as I love to draw, sketch, and paint with watercolors, oil paints, acrylics, pastels, and charcoal. I also love designing things. I designed this website websites, and characters for the books I write sometimes in my spare time (not that I have much of it)

The summer of 2017, I traveled to England with my dad and sister, and whilst I was there I took the opportunity to take pictures of the beautiful country landscapes and busy town streets.

At the end of the school year of 2018, I graduated along side some of my closest friends and the people I had grown up with. We took a trip to the town of Montreal and enjoyed many activities such as biking around the area, bowling, wandering la rue de Jaques Cartier all the while speaking french wherever we went.

Furthermore, The summer of 2018 I traveled to British Columbia with my mom, my little sister, my moms boyfriend and his kids as well. We went sight seeing and we were able to visit my cousins! All in all the trip was phenomenal and I loved every second of it!

Now, I am graduating from high school after 4 years and 10 courses in the ACAM program this website was built as an application for. That all seems so far away now and I’m looking forward to studying Visual Art in university next year!

If you’d like to follow my journey more closely, please feel free to check out my Instagram by clicking on the tab in the above menu or by searching for my handle; @whitfieldkatelyn.