My 2nd Trip to England 2019

I was fortunate enough to be able to visit England once again this year, as I did 2 years prior. We explored historic castle sites, visited the Isle of Wight, went on long walks with the dogs and so much more! Every visit there is a blessing and I love visiting! I would like to say a huge thank you again to the people that made that trip possible, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you!!

Last summer went by in a blur and it was honestly one of the best. I made tonnes of new friends, met lots of new, wonderful people and made many memories that I will cherish throughout the coming years. The best thing you can give someone is an experience, in my opinion, and the experiences I’ve had this year I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Below I have attached some pictures from my trip, I hope you enjoy them 🙂

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